Videographic recorders use data acquired from sensors to generate a plot, graph, or another visualization of the data over a timed interval. Rather than rendering the data
on a chart like many recorders, videographic recorders are completely paperless and use a graphic display for trending data. The data is stored in a digital format that can be
viewed in real-time or recalled later. Data can also be transferred to computers for archiving or generating reports. The benefits of paperless recorders include better
programming options, no need for charts and pens, and the ability to more easily handle large amounts of data. Scaling and mathematical functions are also possible.
Common applications for videographic recorders include temperature and humidity measurements, flow rates, pH, pressure, as well as a host of other process measurements. Recorders
are available in single or multichannel styles and in various configurations.
Videographic/Paperless Recorder Technology
Generally speaking, videographic recorders simply render data. The data itself is produced by application-specific sensors that attach to the recorder. Sensor types include temperature
(thermocouple, thermistor, RTD), strain gauge or bridge, current, humidity, level, pressure, pH, as well as many others.
Sensors can be either active or passive devices. Passive sensors, like thermocouples, do not require an outside power supply to generate a signal. Active sensors, on the other hand,
do require a power supply to generate a signal. Power to active sensors is often provided by the recorder and is referred to as the excitation source. Signal excitation can either be
a voltage or current output.
As the recorder receives a signal the data is stored in a digital format that can be viewed in real-time on the graphic display or recalled later. Data can also be transferred to
computers for archiving or generating reports.
Some things to Consider When Purchasing Videographic/Paperless Recorders:
- Is a visual record preferred?
- Does monitoring need to be continuous or is sampling sufficient?
- How long will the device be used to record or log?
- Will the device be left unattended?
- Will the device be in a hazardous area?
- How many sensors will be used?
- What level of accuracy is required?
If you have any questions regarding videographic/paperless recorders please don't hesitate to speak with one of our engineers by e-mailing us at or calling 1-800-884-4967.