Starting at $4,343.19



  • 100 µS/cm - 2000 mS/cm measurement range
  • Max 284°F (140°C) (max 30min) process temperature
  • Max. 174 psi(194°F) (12 bar (90°C)) process pressure
  • 0/4-20 mA, HART, Profibus
  • Engineered for quick temperature response
  • Hygienic design avoids recontamination
  • Suitable for cleaning-in-place (CIP) and sterilization-in-place (SIP)
  • Low risk of soiling due to encapsulated sensor
  • IP67


The E+H Smartec CLD132 is a measuring system for inductive conductivity in the food & beverage industry. The combination of a transmitter and a sensor is interference-free, easy-to-use and features a hygienic design that protects your products and processes from contamination. Moreover, Smartec CLD132 is equipped with a stainless steel temperature sensor that gives you an ultrafast temperature response for reliable measurement in separation applications.

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These part numbers are available as old stock, but we have limited information about the configuration. Please call for more information.

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CLD132-PCS158HB1 Call for information 2 Call to order

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