Starting at $4,682.00
  • Usually ships in 10-12 weeks



  • Measuring range: 0-10, 0-100, 0-1000 ppm, 0-1% 0-25%
  • 24-32 months sensor life span (in normal use)
  • Accuracy of better than 2% of range
  • Up to 30 days battery life
  • Internal pump option
  • 0 to 1V output
  • XLT sensor options for CO2 backgrounds
  • Rugged industrial enclosures


The AII GPR-1200 oxygen analyzer is designed for applications where trace oxygen or gas purity must be controlled at defined measurement points using advanced high accuracy instruments. The GPR-1200 compact portable oxygen analyzer features a 4-way valve that allows a gas sample to be trapped in the sensor for faster oxygen measurement times when moving from point to point. This feature also effectively helps to protect trace oxygen sensors from premature depletion due to exposure to ambient oxygen levels. Longer sensor life-times allow very economical operation and low cost of ownership for this market leading portable oxygen analyzer range.

The GPR-1200 ATEX is a standard low ppm portable oxygen analyzer offers a range of 0-10 ppm and an LDL of 50 ppb O2, with the option of the XLT sensor for measuring in CO2 backgrounds, and an internal sample pump. ATEX approved version available.

Applications for the GPR-1200 analyzer includes:

  • Servicing oxygen and nitrogen generators
  • Spot checks of oxygen in tankers during delivery
  • Semi-conductor pipeline validation
  • Headspace checks in fermenters and brew tanks
  • Leak checking processes


Here's how some of our customers use this product...

Detecting Trace Oxygen in Gas Pipelines

The Background: Our customer is a natural gas producer seeking an accurate and reliable means of measuring the levels of oxygen in natural gas before the gas is transported in pipelines.

The Problem: Keeping oxygen out of natural gas pipelines is important as it not only degrade the quality of the gas but it can also combine with elements in the gas and cause corrosion inside the pipeline which can lead to failure. Oxygen levels above 5ppm are generally not tolerated. Higher amounts lead to abandoning the stream.

The Solution: We recommended the AII GPR-1200 oxygen analyzer with an Explosion-proof rating and ppm sensor for acid backgrounds. This portable unit is designed for applications where trace oxygen or gas purity must be controlled at defined measurement points using advanced high accuracy instruments.