The Mensor CPT6020 pressure transducer offers high accuracy pressure measurement across a wide span of types and ranges. With 0.020% full-scale accuracy, the CPT6020 can monitor pressure from 0 to 10 inH2O up to 15,015 PSI. Pressure types include gauge, absolute and bi-directional. Additionally, this Mensor pressure transducer can be used as a barometric reference, from 8 to 17 PSI absolute (552 to 1,172 mbar absolute) with an accuracy of 0.020% of reading.
A self-contained pressure sensing device, the Mensor CPT6020 features a compact, rugged 316L stainless steel construction and an IP67 rating. This Mensor pressure transducer offers an RS-232 or RS-485 digital communication output and four different baud rates can be selected. The CPT6020 also features temperature compensation from -13 to 167°F (-20 to 75°C).