The Isotech Model 937 multi-channel thermocouple reference unit utilizes Peltier technology in a self-contained, all solid-state unit which provides maintenance-free operation. This thermocouple reference unit supplies a stable and accurate 0°C or elevated temperature range (45 to 70°C). A 10-minute stabilization time from 44°C makes it an ideal fit for applications requiring rapid temperature shifts including high ambient temperatures. The uniform temperature throughout the enclosure ensures that no thermoelectric EMFs are generated at the terminals. Should the reference temperatures deviate by more than the user-defined span, an alarm will be activated.
Two configurations of the Isotech TRU Model 937 are available with either a single terminal cover door or two doors, one on the front and one on the rear. The single door model features 50 junctions, while the double door model features 100 junctions. An additional feature of the Isotech Model 937 multi-channel thermocouple reference unit is that it is only necessary to connect the thermocouple compensation cables to the input terminals and the measuring instrument to the output terminals of this unit, as opposed to having to supply and install reference junctions.