The Isotech Isobox Model 842 allows users to reference up to 100 thermocouples with temperature ranges between -20 and 70°C. The temperature of the metal block the thermocouple and copper leads are inserted in varies with ambient temperature. A separate output signal is produced which is proportional to the difference between the environmental temperature and actual reference temperature.
The output signal of the Isotech Isobox Model 842 can be fed directly into a computer/datalogger to give accurate compensation over a large ambient range. With a ±0.1°C per 10° ambient span accuracy and ±0.05°C per 1000 hours long-term stability, this unit is an ideal solution for a variety of applications with wide swings in ambient operating range including power station use or aircraft engine test stands. Additionally, this thermocouple reference unit can be further customized to meet your application's needs. For example, the output signal can be in the form of a DC mV output, 4-20mA or from a platinum resistance thermometer.
Housed in an IP66 weatherproof enclosure, the Isobox Model 842 includes fixing lugs for wall mounting and its easy-to-access terminal rails and block assembly are protected by a lockable hinged door.