The Fox Thermal FT1 Mass Flow Meter with its DDC-Sensor and advanced correlation algorithm provides an accurate, multi-gas-capable thermal gas flow meter. Many customers need a fast solution to their monitoring needs. For these cases, FOX has developed the Gas-SelectX calibration gas menu feature for the Model FT1 flow meter. Gas-SelectX allows the user to choose from a menu of several common gases or gas mixtures for their application. Available gases are Air, Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Natural Gas, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Helium, Propane, Methane/Carbon Dioxide/Nitrogen Mixes, and more coming.
The user can program the percentages of methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen to achieve the perfect mix for their application. The meter's proprietary algorithm allows the user to switch the calibration gas in the field, as needed. Whether you need to measure natural gas or air, CO2 or digester gas, the FT1 brings these options and more to the user with a quick push of a button.
The FT1 offers the CAL-V™ feature and can be initiated through the meter's optional display configuration panel or the FT1 View™ Software. The test takes fewer than 5 minutes to run and produces a pass/fail result at the conclusion of the test. A fail result may indicate either a dirty sensor or the need to recalibrate.