The Badger Meter Series 4000 Flow Sensor is an in-line, flow-through design using a tangential six bladed impeller. The 4000
series is available in 1/2", 3/4", 1" pipe sizes and is molded of PVC or PVDF materials. The compact molded design allows
the 4000 series to replace old style magnetic sensors with little or no piping changes.
The proprietary non-magnetic detection circuit is available with two outputs: a low impedance 3-wire 5 volt DC square wave
signal (that can be pulled up to 20 volts) capable of traveling up to 2000 feet without amplification, or a 2-wire loop
powered 4-20 mA current analog signal. These two signal formats are compatible with most data acquisition or PLC equipment.
Additional features include:
- Flow detection electronics can be serviced or replaced without opening the pipe. No exposure to wetted parts.
- Impeller bearings and shaft can be easily replaced without removing the sensor from the pipe.
- Documented operating service life in high temperature ultra-pure water. Over 40 Months of continuous 24hr/day operation.
- Superior particle shedding performance verified by independent laboratory testing. Particle sizes from 0.1 micron to 1.0 micron
representing "on wafer" metallic contamination (ELYMAT) and liquid-born particles were monitored.