The Rosemount 8800D Series Vortex flow meter is available in wafer, flanged, reducer flange, dual sensor, and high pressure designs. The all-welded non-clog design on the Rosemount 8800D Series Vortex flow meter eliminates impulse lines, ports and gaskets which improve reliability. Mass balancing of the sensor system and the Patented Adaptive Digital Signal Processing (ADSP) provide the meters vibration immunity.
The unique isolated sensor design on the Rosemount 8800D Series Vortex flow meter allows sensor replacement without breaking the process seal. All line sizes use the same sensor design allowing a single spare to serve every meter. Troubleshooting with the Rosemount 8800D Series Vortex flow meter is simple through device diagnostics and enables field verification of the meter electronics and sensor without shutting down the process.
The Rosemount 8800D Series Vortex flow meters include the Reducer Vortex. This meter extends the measurable flow range at a reduced cost. The Reducer eliminates field assembly and welding of separate reducers and piping which can decrease installation costs by as much as 50%. By incorporating the Reducer ™ Vortex the low-end measurable flow range is doubled. The meter is available as a flanged design from 1 to 12" in stainless steel and nickel alloy and also features Foundation fieldbus functionality.
The Rosemount 8800D Series Vortex flow meter is available as a dual sensor meter; it is an ideal solution where redundant flow signals are required. The Rosemount Dual Vortex meter is constructed of two complete vortex meters: sensor, electronics and shedder bar. The Rosemount 8800D meters are welded together and the flow is calibrated to provide an accurate, single, flow meter with two independent flow measurements.
The Rosemount 8800D Series Vortex flow meters are available with an optional MultiVariable output and temperature compensated mass flow for saturated steam. The MultiVariable vortex design incorporates the temperature sensor into the meter using the shedder bar as a thermowell, isolating the vortex and temperature sensor from the process for easy verification and replacement. The temperature compensated mass flow is derived from the density calculation from the measured process temperature. The Rosemount 8800D meter performance is improved in saturated steam due to the fact that the electronics will be compensating for changes in the process temperature.
The Rosemount 8800D Series Vortex flow meters with optional MultiVariable output can map independent variables to an analog output, pulse output or HART burst variables. These Rosemount 8800D meters can also be integrated with a Rosemount Flow computer for additional functionality that includes:
- Remote communications
- Heat calculations
- Remote totalization
- Peak demand calculation
- Data logging capabilities