Phasing testers are used on grounded and ungrounded alternating current systems to check high-voltage fuses, test for correct phase connections and test
for the absence of high voltage on de-energized lines or apparatus.
Phasing testers consists of two insulated fiberglass poles, one with a length of insulated cable stored on a reel and the other with a display module.
Each pole has end fittings used for interchangeable probes. When testing, the cable is attached to the display and both poles are used to touch the probes
to the appropriate conductors for making phase-to-phase or phase-to-ground voltage measurements.
Applications for phasing testers include absolute phase-angle identification, mapping and tagging, transmission phasing, distribution phasing, secondary
phasing, capacitive test-point phasing, mobile substation phasing, all general phasing, CW/CCW phase sequences, URD and overhead, and flag delta/wye or
wye/delta transformations
If you have any questions regarding phasing testers please don't hesitate to speak with one of our engineers by e-mailing us at or
calling 1-800-884-4967.