Flow indicators are simple devices that provide visual indication, often through the use of a float or paddle, that there is movement of fluid in the process line.
Selecting a Flow Meter
The basis of good flow meter selection is a clear understanding of the requirements of the particular application. Therefore, time should be invested in fully evaluating the nature of the process
fluid and of the overall installation.
- What is the fluid being measured by the flow meter(s) (air, water, etc…)?
- Do you require rate measurement and/or totalization from the flow meter?
- If the liquid is not water, what viscosity is the liquid?
- Is the fluid clean?
- Do you require a local display on the flow meter or do you need an electronic signal output?
- What is the minimum and maximum flow rate for the flow meter?
- What is the minimum and maximum process pressure?
- What is the minimum and maximum process temperature?
- Is the fluid chemically compatible with the flow meter wetted parts?
- If this is a process application, what is the size of the pipe?
If you have any questions or need any help selecting a flow meter, please contact us at sales@instrumart.com or 1-800-884-4967 to speak with an applications engineer.